The Society of Wetland Scientists Asia Chapter officially became a chapter in June of 2005.
The chapter geographically includes the countries of Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, East Timor, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Middle East Countries, Japan, Turkey, Taiwan, South Korea, Mongolia, North Korea and Russia.
Wetland Specialists or Scientists who are working on various fields involving wetlands who are not yet members of SWS, please contact Chapter President, Wei-Ta Fang.
To learn more about the Asia Chapter activities and history, please click here.
Asia Chapter
Tiasa Adhya
Frank Paolo Jay Albarico
Frank Paolo Jay B. Albarico is a Research Scientist at the Sustainable Environment Center of the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. He is formerly a faculty of the College of Fisheries and Allied Sciences, Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines, where he taught various fisheries and marine science-related subjects such as in Fisheries Management, Fisheries Laws, Ichthyology, and Microbiology. He is also affiliated with the Department of Marine Environmental Engineering of the National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan . Dr. Albarico has almost a decade of research and wetlands management experience. He has been working in mangrove diversity, ecology, and management. He is among the few scientists to study the taxonomy and ecology of mud lobsters (a mangrove resident) in the Philippines. Recently, he has been involved in estuarine and coastal pollution and assessments and plankton biogeochemistry research in southern Taiwan. His research involves environmental and anthropogenic impacts on plankton and the trophic transfer of persistent pollutants at higher trophic levels. His research integrates the relationship between environmental, ecological processes, and community dynamics on the fate and transfer of contaminants.
Wen-Lian Chang
Md Chowdhury
Gillian Davies
Gillian Davies is a Senior Ecologist & Natural Climate Solutions Specialist at BSC Group, Inc., where her work focuses on climate change and wetlands, working with local communities to develop Nature-based Solutions, particularly wetland, forest, and soil conservation and restoration, and providing wetland peer reviews for Conservation Commissions. She is a Visiting Scholar at Tufts University Global Development and Environment Institute, is Immediate Past President of the Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program, was the 2016-2017 SWS President, is a co-lead for the SWS Climate Change and Wetlands Initiative and chairs the SWS Rights of Wetlands Section and the WOTUS ad hoc sub-committee. She serves on the International Association for Ecology (INTECOL) Wetlands Working Group. Gillian served on the Massachusetts Healthy Soils Action Plan working group. Gillian has a Master of Environmental Studies degree with a concentration in ecosystem ecology from the Yale School of the Environment, and a bachelor’s degree from Williams College. She is a certified Professional Wetland Scientist, a Registered Soil Scientist, and has received the SWS President’s Service and SWS 40th Anniversary Awards. In her spare time, she and her husband enjoy hiking, mountain biking and skiing.
Sayanta Ghosh
Mr. Sayanta Ghosh has been working in the field of Geospatial Technology Applications for the last seven years in different reputed national institutes and CSIR labs in India.
Presenlty, he is working as the Area Convenor of Centre for Geospatial Technology Application (CGTA) under the Land Resources Division, The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, India. Major activities of his present engagement are Forest Biomass Assessment using Multisource Earth Observation Data. He is basically handling the RS-GIS activities of various projects of the Land Resources division such as modelling spatial carbon stock and carbon sequestration potential of different LULC classes, Carbon Stock Assessment, Soil Organic Carbon Mapping, Vulnerability Assessment of forest & biodiversity, etc.
He has experience in multiscale weather and climate modeling, specifically extreme weather modeling for high altitude areas. He has adequate knowledge in the applications of Remote Sensing and GIS in Agriculture and Crop Monitoring, Environmental Impact Assessment, Forestry and Ecology, Water Resources, Integrated Disaster Modeling over GIS platform. Mr. Sayanta Ghosh has presented his research findings at various international conferences in different countries including India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Turkey, Germany, Austria, U.S.A., Canada, and Nepal. As of now, he has more than 25 publications in his credit in various reputed scientific journals and international conference proceedings. He has been a life member of Indian Society of Remote Sensing (ISRS), Indian Meteorological Society (IMS), Indian Society of Geomatics (ISG), Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and Indian Association of Hydrologists (IAH). Also, he has been a regular member of the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), European Geosciences Union (EGU) and Indian Regional Association for Landscape Ecology (IRALE). He has received many awards including INSPIRE scholarship from the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India and Best Oral Presentation award in the prestigious “International Conference on Technological Interventions for Sustainability” (CHEM-CONFLUX22).
Ali H. Elyasi
Abdul Hadi
Zeena Jayan
Rajiv Kangabam
Manish Kumar
Ritesh Kumar
Dr Ritesh Kumar is the principal institutional representative of Wetlands International South Asia. Wetlands International South Asia is a part of the Wetlands International network, a global organisation dedicated to the conservation and wise use of wetlands.
Dr Kumar advises the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change and several state governments on policy and management aspects of wetlands. In his over 25 years of work, he has helped draft the national regulatory framework of wetlands, technical guidelines on wetlands wise use, management planning, management effectiveness evaluation, climate risk assessment and others. He has also led integrated management planning for several South Asian wetlands and coordinated multidisciplinary projects on wetlands assessment, ecosystem services evaluation, water management, sustainable livelihoods, disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.
Dr Kumar is also a nominated member of the Scientific and Technical Review Panel of the Ramsar Convention and a coordinating lead author at the UNEP – Global Peatlands Initiate, Inter-governmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) for values assessment, nexus assessment and Asia Pacific Regional Assessment. To bring to the fore research South Asian wetlands, he has authored several peer-reviewed articles on wetlands conservation and management topics. He also serves on the Editorial Board of international journals Marine and Freshwater Research, Wetland Ecology and Management, and PLoS Water.
Romina Llanos
Amrit Mishra
Ruba Munir
Shailendra Pokharel
Work: Lecturer in Tribhuvan University Nepal (1982-2001). Senior program officer to the Regional Manager in IUCN Nepal (1997 to 2007) for the demo of critical ecosystem management in the fragile ecosystem of Siwalik eventually resulted into policy formulation The Chure Area Program Strategy and establishment of national pride project called President Tarai-Madhesh Conservation Project. Involvement in IUCN also resulted into national focus on Community Conservation of Rhododendron in Eastern Nepal.
Experience on Wetlands: Work as advisor to the National Lake Conservation Development Committee of government of Nepal. Convened scientific inventory of Nepal's lake in all districts, loose network member of International Lake Environment Committee Foundation/Japan (ILEC), Promoting Integrated Lake Basin Management prescription in Nepal, Work as members under Transboundary Water Initiative Project under the funding of UNEP/GEF to ILEC, lead role for the designation of lake cluster of Pokhara Valley/Nepal in the Ramsar Site, worked for the establishment of Lake Authority in Pokhara (Gandaki Province), and prepared many management and research document.
Now, working as founder president and chief executive director of Conservation Development Foundation (CODEFUND) which is dedicated to integrated development with special focus on wetlands in Nepal. Yet, working under the joint funding of USAID/Hariyo Ban Program/WWF and DFID/Oxford Policy Management for wetlands types and ecosystem mapping under Forest Ecosystem and Types Mapping initiative to support government program, particularly under Ministry of Forests and Environment.
A descent dedication yet is directed for the establishment of Wetlands Academy in Nepal from national and global linkages
Kimberli Ponzio
Kimberli Ponzio has over 36 years of experience working in Florida wetlands as an Environmental Scientist for two water management districts in the state of Florida, USA. Kim has been certified as a Professional Wetland Scientist for 25+ years, finding it important to ensure stakeholders from public, academic, and consultancy sectors that she has the education, work history, and skill-set necessary to deliver professional wetland services, and that she is committed to upholding a high standard of ethical behavior. Kim has been involved in leadership with the Society of Wetland Scientists since 2007, was SWS President in 2015, President of the SWS Professional Certification Program (SWSPCP) in 2020, and currently serves as Co-Chair of the SWSPCP Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Kim is actively involved in helping to globalize the SWSPCP by making the Program accessible to qualified individuals, regardless of geography or financial standing. Kim’s approach has always been one of a collaborative spirit, which she believes is one of the most powerful mechanisms to further the cause of conserving, restoring, and protecting wetlands.
Kurnia Rachmawati
Anu Rai
Priya Ranganathan
I am a doctoral student at ATREE, Bengaluru (affiliated with Manipal Academy for Higher Education) and my research focuses on the ecohydrology and ecosystem services of Myristica swamps, a type of freshwater swamp forest found in select wet evergreen patches of the Western Ghats of India. My work involves studying the seasonal hydrology of these wetlands, the degradation and fragmentation of these swamps and the causes behind these changes in the larger landscape, as well as studies to understand the ecology of swamp trees and the potential for the restoration of degraded swamps with involvement of local stakeholders.
Prior to beginning my doctoral research, I worked as a consultant and a research associate on various projects on river ecology, hydrology modelling (GIS, HEC-RAS, Google Earth Engine), species distribution modelling, wildlife ecology in the Western Ghats, human-wildlife conflict, conservation education, and corridor ecology. My work experience is primarily in India, although I completed my B.Sc. in Environmental Geology and Biology from the University of Pittsburgh (Pittsburgh, USA) and my M.E.M. Environmental Management (Ecosystem Science and Conservation) from Duke University's Nicholas School of the Environment (Durham, USA).
Apart from research, I am pursuing a B.A. in Bharatanatyam, an Indian classical dance form and am part of the IUCN's pioneering certificate course on Wetlands Ecology, Biodiversity and Conservation. I am an active writing mentor with Scholastic-India's Young Writers' Academy, where I mentor school students in storytelling and writing, and have conducted multiple workshops on popular science writing, grant writing, and other skills for college students and professionals in my field.
Jay Sah
Dr. Sah is a Research Professor, and his research focuses on ecosystem processes and their management implications in the seasonal wetlands in Everglades, coastal wetlands of the Southeast Saline Everglades, and the tropical and sub-tropical upland forests of the Miami Rock Ridge and adjacent islands in South Florida.
Dr. Sah’s expertise is in studying vegetation-environment relationships and effects of natural and anthropogenic disturbances on pattern and processes in various types of plant communities, including upland forests and floodplains, wet prairies, marshes and other seasonal wetlands.
His research approach includes the use of both univariate and multivariate statistical tools to analyze and interpret relationships among vegetation and environmental variables in large data sets, spatial integration of the analytical results via extensive GIS databases, and system dynamics modeling. He is also involved in inter-disciplinary research on socio-economic issues, conservation, and natural resource management in Nepal.
Joseph Schubauer-Berigan Ph.D.
Ashikur Rahman Shome
Ashikur Rahman Shome is an aspiring wildlife ecologist, working in the field of wildlife research and biodiversity conservation in Bangladesh. He is currently working in wetland wildlife conservation, urban wildlife conservation, and conservation of wildlife in the Ganges floodplain of Bangladesh. As a wildlife ecologist, he works in the Center for Environmental and Geographic Information Services (CEGIS) Bangladesh.
Abu Tareqe Md Tamim
April Wu
Past Events
2018 SWS - Asia Chapter and China Chapter Joint Meeting: Wetlands and Ecological Civilization
August 17 - 21, 2018
Comprehensive Building, Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Changchun, P. R. China
The scientific program of the forum reflects the many recent advances and breakthroughs in wetland science as well as the challenges that we face in a changing world. The forum will provide a good opportunity for participants to exchange ideas, establish collaborations and make new friends in Asia. Learn more. Questions? Contact Ming Jiang at
International Symposium on Wetlands Environmental Management
December 8-10, 2017
Lambung Mangkurat University (ULM)
Banjarmasin, Indonesia
The conference provided an international platform for the presentation of recent research findings and views on restoration effort and the exchange of ideas between environmental scientists and engineers, policymakers, industrialists, entrepreneurs and research students who share a common interest in restoring wetlands. Learn more.
Wetlands Carnival
September 17 - 18, 2016
Taipei EXPO Park Farmers Market
2016 International Wetlands Conference in Taiwan
September 13 - 14, 2016
Multifunctional Auditorium, 6F
Taipei New Horizon