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Society of Wetland Scientists 2023 Colombia

11/7/2023 - 11/10/2023


First-ever in person International Chapter Meeting
for Latin America and the Caribbean


As part of the 2022 Chapter Development Award, the SWS International Chapter is organizing the first-ever meeting in Latin American countries. The Chapter chose Colombia as the location for the event and invited Wetlands representatives (owned by SWS and published by SpringerNature, see to join this initiative. Key collaborators in this event include Instituto Humboldt, Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad del Norte, Red de Investigadores en Ecohidrología y Ecohidráulica (REDECOHH), and Cátedra UNESCO.

This initiative has three primary objectives: (1) To establish a dialogue on wetlands, their importance, and the role of the wetland scientist, (2) To exchange knowledge about wetland ecosystems and their conservation, and to to promote opportunities for collaboration between individuals/countries/institutions; an (3) To promote the Society of Wetland Scientists in Latin America, to encourage publication in Wetlands as well as Wetland Science and Practice, and to discuss the many SWS activities, such as PWS certification, Wetlands of Distinction, Wetland Interviews, Webinar Series, and HumMentor.

Local partners
Instituto Humboldt, Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad Javeriana, Universidad del Norte, Red de Investigadores en Ecohidrología y Ecohidráulica (REDECOHH), and Cátedra UNESCO.

Society of Wetland Scientists Professional Certification Program (SWSPCP) and 2022 Chapter Development Award (International Chapter, Latin America and the Caribbean).

Target audienceStudents and scholars of biology, ecology, environmental engineering, natural sciences, geosciences, and other areas, wetland professionals, coastal/rural/indigenous communities, private sector, governmental and non-governmental representatives. Open to SWS members and the public at no cost.

Visit the SWSLAC FB page for more information. 


Instituto Humboldt, Universidad de Antioquia

Medellin, Colombia
Event Contact
Society of Wetland Scientists
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11/7/2023 - 11/10/2023
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