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16th SWS Europe Chapter Virtual Conference

6/15/2021 - 6/17/2021


This is an online conference with two excellent plenary speakers each day. The conference is mainly dedicated to young scientists who are strongly encouraged to submit their work and participate at the conference. A prize will be offered for the best presentation (250€). 

The conference is organized by the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS) Europe Chapter and Tour du Valat, and is themed Connecting wetlands functioning and biodiversity towards nature-based solutions. For more details of how to submit an abstract and the programme please see the meeting website here: 

The SWS Europe Chapter was founded with the intent of bringing together wetland scientists and other professionals from around Europe who share common interests in wetland science and management. This meeting is open to SWS members and non-members but if you are not a member of SWS then we strongly encourage you to join here and also sign up to the Europe Chapter. 

If you are a non-member then when you enter your e-mail, as part of the registration, you will be asked to set up an account for the meeting.

Check your junk/spam folder if you do not see the registration confirmation right away.  Questions regarding your SWS membership?  Contact  

Meeting Link was emailed to Registrants on June 14th.  Check you SPAM/JUNK folder if you do not see it.  


The meeting is free.  

Online Central Europe Time
6/15/2021 - 6/17/2021

All times Central Europe Time  

15th June 2021
14:00 -16:00 PM

16th June 2021
14:00 -16:00 PM

17th June 2021
14:00 -16:00 PM 

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