General Memberships
Dracut , MA , United States
I perform wetland and riverfront delineations, vernal pool assessments, wildlife habitat evaluations, wetland restoration and mitigation projects. I provide construction overview, stormwater and erosion control monitoring and soil evaluations. I represent homeowners, engineers and developers at conservation commission meetings, Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) site walks and appeals, provide expert testimony in the DEP adjudicatory hearings, enforcement and litigation issues.
I file federal, state and local permits to the appropriate regulatory authority. The federal permits include U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (GP - Self-Verification Notification Form, Pre-Construction Notification, and Individual Permits) and Environmental Protection Agency (NPDES - Construction General Permits, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans and Stormwater Construction Site Inspections). The state permits include the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act (Environmental Notification Forms & Environmental Impacts Reports), Massachusetts Endangered Species Act (Information Requests, Pre-filing Consultations & Conservation & Management Permits) and Chapter 91 licenses. The state/local permits include (ANRADs, RDAs, NOIs, Insignificant Changes, Amendments, Certificate of Compliances, Extensions, Appeals, Adjudicatory Proceedings, Enforcement & Litigation Issues).
Organization : Norse Environmental Services Inc
Chapter : New England Chapter
Section : Wetland Restoration Section, Wildlife Section, Women in Wetlands Section